Find Your Spark, and Ignite the Fire Within!

My whole life, I’ve been searching for something.  For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to do something great.  I’ve wanted to build something, and be a part of something big.  I’ve wanted to help people to accomplish great things.  I’ve wanted to Find My Passion  and share them with the world.  And – I want YOU to find Your Passion, as well.

When we are getting closer to our passions, we feel something stirring inside.  We feel a force tickling us and compelling us to take the next step.  We feel the vibrance for life and we know our passions are coming forth.  We feel alive.  We are finding our passion.

Being An Entrepreneur Means You are Passionate

This is the passion of an entrepreneur. This is why we are in business—because we know we have the ability to share this life, this excitement, this spark within.  And we want nothing more than to do that.

Sometimes this passion wanes.  The spark becomes dull or muted, and we miss the fire.  We search for it, but it is gone.  And for no apparent reason.  This can be a bit heartbreaking.  We long for something, knowing that it once was there.  What if we never feel it again?

Find Your Passion

But, what we might not know in that in this lull a new spark is forming.  One we cannot see just yet.  It is taking awhile, because it is one that will burn brighter and longer than the one before.  We keep working on ourselves, and before we know it, we begin to have the feeling within.

As you know if you’ve experienced this before, when it comes back, and we are on track with our lives, and our mission, the spark jumps forth and grows brightly and consumes you.  It wakes you up at odd hours with excitement—excitement of The Possibilities That Could Be.  Excitement that comes with a new idea, a new longing, a new vision, a New Mental Destination.

How I Started My Consulting Business

This happened to me four years ago when I started my business.  It happened when I awoke in the middle of the night and was able to put ten years of information into an outline that would become the basis for my consulting program, this happens to me when I’m consulting, and this happened to me when I went abroad and started my blog.  Each one has been an indicator that I’m on the right track, and that I’m doing something meaningful in my life.  And, it is again happening now.  But even bigger.

It’s just past seven in the morning and I just SHOT out of bed and raced to my computer.  Yes, it is a day off, and Yes, I could be sleeping in.  But, I can’t.  I can’t because my fire is burning brightly.  I’m overwhelmed with the excitement for an idea that I’ve had, and been working on for quite some time.  I’m overrun with the possibilities of sharing this concept with the world, with my readers, with You.

Sharing My Video Course

For the past three years, I’ve been mentally kicking around the idea of sharing my consulting program with the world.  I’ve wanted to do it in a variety of ways, but each time I got close to the delivery of it, it just didn’t seem right.  It wasn’t the “way” I wanted to deliver.  It didn’t have the right look, or feel, or dynamic behind it.  So, I kept writing, kept refining, and kept paying attention to my inner promptings of how to best go about delivering this information to the world.  ((Sometimes, when nothing is happening, we can get ready so we are prepared for it when it does.))

Next, I had a seemingly endless series of false starts.  I knew how I wanted to do it, and who I wanted to create it with.  But the timing wasn’t working out.  But, we pushed on, and eventually, the timing all lined up.  The creative forces were at work, even when I couldn’t see or feel them, and the perfect people have been brought into my life to make this dream a reality.

Why I’m Writing This Post

I’m writing this post for two reasons.  One is to encourage you, as an entrepreneur, a business owner, or an average Jo—don’t give up on your passions.  Don’t give up on your spark.  It means something.  It exists to let you know You Are On The Right Track.  You Are Doing Something Important With Your Life.  This is Why You’re Here.  And most importantly, a message that I just learned today… when the spark seems to dim, or go out, Don’t Give Up.  That is just the universe going out, creating the right moment, the right people, and the right opportunities to let your flame burn even brighter than it ever has before.

The fire within has taken shape in my life and is moving forward at a rapid pace.  All of the work that we have been putting together is quickly turning into the exact program I was daydreaming about and working towards all year.  I’ve have combined my consulting expertise, together whieh the best tips from all around the globe to bring you the most up to date collaborative program that exists today.  And, I want you to be a part of it.  Want to find out more?  Click Here to View My Course!

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