You ever see a cool new car -and all the sudden- you see it everywhere? That’s kind of how it is with Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income. I first came across him in an interview from John at JetSetCitizen. After that, I saw him EVERYWHERE. It makes you wonder… was the car there all along? For the record, Pat has been there for quite …
Music and Life – Thoughts by Alan Watts
I really love this Alan Watts YouTube video is because it so quickly encapsulates all of the emotions I’ve struggled with throughout my life. We go into life not knowing any better, so we do what we’re told. We continue along this path and at some point wake up to the reality that a) our lives are relatively boring and mediocre b) all of the people we’ve …
Are You Addicted to Speed? A Worldwide Movement Realizes that Slower is Better
In our fast paced world, we want everything to move at lightning speed. We want a quick coffee, a fast lane free of traffic, a front row parking spot, high-speed internet, instant messages, efficient phone calls, fast food, and rapid transit. We want to order everything online: music, gifts, movies, books, groceries, and even people. Online dating has become the norm as people want to …
Want to See The World & Help it too? Interview with International Volunteer, Kirsty Henderson
As always, bringing you inspiring stories of adventurous folks that have dared to do different. Many of you may have wondered if you could take your business online and do good for others. Kirsty’s living the dream of being an international volunteer allows her to help others while her business pretty much runs itself. Check out her story, and amazing resources below. International Volunteer Interview …
Digital Nomad Blog Carnival
Hello Readers! I’m happy to host this month’s edition of the Digital Nomad Blog Carnival. The traveling online carnival that’s hosted at a new blog each month for readers interested in the live-anywhere, work-anywhere lifestyle. Read the carnival posts, and then check out some more Location – Lifestyle – Nomadic posts below. These are posts that I really enjoyed this month, and that others liked …
Neurological Research Links Coaching to Transformational Change
I love it when I pick up the business section of the newspaper and something jumps off and hits me in the face. Today I came across this article written by Coach Kriengsak Nitpattanasai who has a column in the Bangkok Post. Coaching by question and brain research Nitpatanasai gives an overview of David Rock’s book Quiet Leadership: Help People Think Better–Don’t Tell Them What …
“IF”, The Best Travel Poem Ever
Quite Possibly the Best Travel Poem I’ve Ever Read… IF by Rudyard Kipling 1865 – 1936 If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, …
I hate Yoga.
I hate Yoga. I don’t want to hate yoga, but I do. It’s one of those things that I wish I liked, and I keep trying to like, but every time I’ve gone with my Mom, or a friend—no matter what gym or what instructor I’ve had, I HATE IT! Here is a typical scenario: I am told encouragingly by the instructor to contort my …
The Stages of Depression and the Steps to Enlightenment… are they the same?
Most stories of enlightenment start out the same. Someone, somewhere is seeking the truth. They leave home, become detached from society, give up worldly pleasures, family and friends, contemplate life and death, and end up accepting, embracing, and warranting a slower, more meaningful representation of life. One thing I’ve noticed is that many of the initial signs of this process are identical to the symptoms …
The Biggest Secret in The World!!
Living in Thailand is funny. Pretty much every day I am confronted by something weird, unpredictable, and mind-blowing. To say that I have gotten used to the oddities is an understatement, because at this point of my life, I just expect things to be a bit strange. In fact, the one thing I have recognized is THE BIGGEST SECRET IN THE WORLD. Are you ready?? …
WTF is Happening in Thailand Right Now?!?
Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts, the King’s illness, His successors… With all this confusion and censorship, it is hard to get the Real Story and understand WTF is actually happening in Thailand right now. I’ve done my best to keep up on it all, but THIS VIDEO tells it all. Take some time to watch the special report that demystifies the political situation in Thailand Right …
Taking Care of Yourself Without the Resentment
Over the past several months, I’ve noticed a sneaky-little-emotion called Resentment. It tends to creep in and create unproductive thoughts, stopping me in my forward momentum, and keeps me from enjoying moments in life. What I’ve come to realize is that taking care of yourself no matter what is the only option. We need to get over this resistance and move forward! Maybe you have …
Becoming Famously Yourself & Getting Discovered by Discovery Channel
I remember daydreaming one day about the professional self that I wanted to become. I was midway through my masters in business and was trying to picture what I would look like as a successful business owner. I made a picture of myself with straight, highlighted hair. I wore a suit skirt outfit with a collared shirt and fancy shoes. I made comments along the …
What ARE You THINKING? How to improve your mindset and your quality of life!
“Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” William James There’s a lot of talk these days about the Law of Attraction. Many books are out there discussing how to focus your thoughts and get what you want by thinking positive thoughts. More importantly than just focusing on the stuff that you want, I believe …
Flies in My Lipgloss and other Motorbike Escapades
One of my big fears I decided to conquer this year was driving a motorbike in Thailand. If you’ve followed past stories, you know I was in an accident … or two. I would liken driving in Thailand to juggling swords. Pretty much every time I do it… I almost die. Seriously. In one day of driving to and from the school I work at, …
Learning From Children, Teaching Abroad
As many of you know I’ve taken up teaching in Thailand. I had nearly ten months of pure vacation and wanted to give back something more to the community. Also, after multiple visa fiascos, some soul searching, and deciding that I want to stay on in this country, I’ve found it most useful to have a work permit. The short of it is that if …
Interview with Robin Esrock: Travel Journalist, Blogger & TV Star of Word Travels
If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a professional globe-trotter and getting paid to see the world, read on. I’m really excited to share Robin Esrock’s story and how he went from traveling and blogging to getting published and then hosting a major travel show on television. I’m sure you’ll find this success story as inspirational as I have… You have a very exciting story about …
The Medicine Man That Lives in a Cave
One day, I was riding on the back of my friend’s motorbike, weaving through the tall green mountains in the south of Thailand. Unexpectedly, the bike sputtered, slowed, and stopped. We had run out of gas. Looking around, there wasn’t a gas station in sight, so my friend pushed the bike down the road as I walked behind him. The limestone mountains are full of …
Interview with Mark Eckenrode, Eaten by Tigers
As part of the inspiring force to help you ‘take the leap of faith’, we will be conducting mini interviews featuring global entrepreneurs who have been working remotely. Because we are all busy traveling, working, and having loads of fun, it is a short list of questions that will hopefully give you a quick glimpse of others “Living the Life”. This month’s mini-view comes from …
The Importance of a Great Coach
If you’ve been following along with some of my updates on Facebook, you’ll know I’ve been getting my butt kicked severely by my friend Kris. After spending ten weeks eating and partying too much in Bangkok, I realized I really needed to Get In Shape Girl! As luck (or the Universe) would have it, the second I got back down here and announced my new …
How To Be Happy, Damn it!
Recently, I posted Overcoming Suffering and Achieving Lasting Happiness… Words from the Dalai Lama. Today, I want to follow up with a quick list of things that will get you back on track to being happy…. damn it! Hope this helps, and please add something that helps you in the comment area! Take Responsibility for Yourself…without resentment. Look at what you Already Have. Let go …
Interview with Cath Duncan, Mine Your Resources
As part of the inspiring force to help you ‘take the leap of faith’, we will be conducting mini interviews featuring global entrepreneurs who have become “Business Backpackers”. Because we are all busy traveling, working, and having loads of fun, it is a short list of questions that will hopefully give you a quick glimpse of others “Living the Life”. This month’s mini-view comes from …
My First Open Forum
Hi Friends! I’m really excited because I’m realizing my readership has Gone Global! I’m getting comments from all over the U.S. and I’m recently getting more comments from overseas… Japan, South Africa, England, the Netherlands and Finland. So, for FUN, I thought it would be great to start an Open Forum to get some of you newer readers, or new to commenting readers talking. I …
Overcoming Suffering and Achieving Lasting Happiness… Words from the Dalai Lama
It happens to all of us…we find ourselves caught up in the woes of life. We have a bad day, bad experience, someone says something mean to us, or we make a stupid decision. We begin to experience suffering, and realize the fragility of our own circumstance. If you are anything like me, when these moments set in, you begin to question life… question existence… …
Machine Guns, Border Runs, and Sexual Predators
One very real part about living in other countries is the fact that you Never Really Live There. You can be having the time of your life, seeing the sights, or even be renting an apartment…. But eventually the sobering thought of your visa expiring will inevitably come up. Border runs are my least favorite part of living abroad. Why? Border runs can be dangerous, …